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      AB伺服電機變頻器 2198-H008-ERS
      發布時間: 2024-05-17 10:51 更新時間: 2024-11-15 08:00

      AB伺服電機變頻器 2198-H008-ERS

      Kinetix 5500 EtherNet/IP 伺服驅動器
      Bulletin 2198 Kinetix 5500 伺服驅動器可連接 CompactLogix 5370 控制器并與之配合運行,從而支持基于 EtherNet/IP 的集成運動控制。憑借其創新的緊湊型設計,Kinetix 5500 變頻器有助于盡可能減小機器體積,簡化系統布線。另外,雙端口以太網支持線形和設備級環網 (DLR) 拓撲結構。
      2198-H003-ERS Kinetix 5500 Servo Drive, 2.5 Amp peak current output, 1 and 3 phase 190 - 528 VAC input
      2198-H003-ERS2 Kinetix 5500 Servo Drive, 2.5 Amp peak current output, 1 and 3 phase 190 - 528 VAC input
      2198-H008-ERS Kinetix 5500 Servo Drive, 6.3 Amp peak current output, 1 and 3 phase 190 - 528 VAC input
      2198-H008-ERS2 Kinetix 5500 Servo Drive, 6.3 Amp peak current output, 1 and 3 phase 190 - 528 VAC input
      2198-H015-ERS Kinetix 5500 Servo Drive, 12.5 Amp peak current output, 1 and 3 phase 190 - 528 VAC input
      2198-H015-ERS2 Kinetix 5500 Servo Drive, 12.5 Amp peak current output, 1 and 3 phase 190 - 528 VAC input
      2198-H025-ERS Kinetix 5500 Servo Drive, 20 Amp peak current output, 3 phase 190 - 528 VAC input
      2198-H025-ERS2 Kinetix 5500 Servo Drive, 20 Amp peak current output, 3 phase 190 - 528 VAC input
      2198-H040-ERS Kinetix 5500 Servo Drive, 32.5 Amp peak current output, 3 phase 190 - 528 VAC input
      2198-H040-ERS2 Kinetix 5500 Servo Drive, 32.5 Amp peak current output, 3 phase 190 - 528 VAC input
      2198-H070-ERS Kinetix 5500 Servo Drive, 57.5 Amp peak current output, 3 phase 190 - 528 VAC input
      2198-H070-ERS2 Kinetix 5500 Servo Drive, 57.5 Amp peak current output, 3 phase 190 - 528 VAC input


      • 電  話:17269666868
      • 聯系人:楊工
      • 手  機:17269666868
      • 微  信:17269666868